2020 marks the 10 year anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon disaster. This February, CARMMHA participated in discussions at the GOMOSES Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference to help summarize a decade of scientific results. Dr. Cynthia Smith of the NMMF represented the marine mammal community on a panel to discuss the long-term impacts on marine life and human health.

While in Tampa at the GOMOSES conference, members of the CARMMHA consortium presented on a variety of topics, including work on projects beyond CARMMHA. Information on the two presentations and eight posters is detailed below:
Oral Session-002: On the Resiliency of Living Marine Resources to Gulf Oil Spills
Health Trends of Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the Eight Years Following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: Evidence for Lack of Resilience
L. Schwacke, C. Smith, F. Gomez, T. Rowles, R. Wells, E. Zolman, T. Speakman, J. Herrman, R. Takeshita, L. Thomas
Oral Session-025: Large Marine Vertebrates in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Ten Years After the Spill: New Findings, Synergies, Collaborations, and Opportunities
Sustained Maternal Illness and Low Reproductive Success Rate in Barataria Bay Bottlenose Dolphins Following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
C. Smith, F. M. Gomez, K. M. Colegrove, T. K. Rowles, E. S. Zolman, T. R. Speakman, W. B. Musser, A. Barratclough, B. C. Balmer, L. H. Schwacke
Poster Session: Large Marine Vertebrates in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Ten Years After the Spill: New Findings, Synergies, Collaborations, and Opportunities
Poster Number 102: Developing a Novel Remote Tag Attachment Technique to Better Understand Small Cetacean Movement Patterns in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
B. Balmer, A. Westgate, W. McFee, K. Mullin, T. Rowles, C. Smith, W. Marshall
Poster Number 103: Spatial, Temporal, and Individual-Level Variation in Northern Gulf of Mexico Common Bottlenose Dolphin Diet
C. Cloyed, B. Balmer, M. Tumlin, E. Zolman, A. Barleycorn, T. Rowles, L. Schwacke, R. Carmichael
Poster Number 104: Changes in Bottlenose Dolphin Immune Functions Associated With the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Northern Gulf of Mexico — A Recurrence?
S. De Guise, M. Levin, L. Jasperse, J. Herrman, R. Wells, R. Takeshita, T. Marques, L. Schwacke
Poster Number 105: Assessment of Sublethal Cardiac Injury in Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the Gulf of Mexico Following Exposure to Deepwater Horizon Oil-Associated Chemicals
F. Gomez, K. Colgrove, S. Huston, A. Hsu, B. Linnehan, R. Takashita, R. Wells, L. Schwacke, T. Rowles, C. Smith
Poster Number 108: Transcriptomic Analyses of Bottlenose Dolphin Blood and Skin to Identify Additional Biomarkers and Pathways to Inform Cetacean Health Assessment
J. S. Morey, B. C. Balmer, E. S. Zolman, R. Takeshita, T. K. Rowles, C. R. Smith, R. S. Wells, L. H. Schwacke
Poster Number 109: Health and Behavioral Responses of Common Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Low Salinity Waters Within the Barataria Basin in Louisiana
R. Takeshita, T. Rowles, B. Balmer, E. Zolman, L. Thomas, R. Wells, F. Gomez, C. Smith, L. Schwacke
Poster Number 110: Population Modelling to Predict Recovery Trajectories of Marine Mammal Stocks Impacted by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
L. Thomas, T. Marques, L. Schwacke, C. Booth, J. Malato, L. Garrison, P. Rosel, K. Mullin
Poster Number 112: Bottlenose Dolphins and Red Tide Harmful Algal Blooms: Are Patterns of Dolphin Responses Emerging From Repeated Events?
R. Wells, K. McHugh, E. McCabe, J. Allen, A. Barleycorn, C. Toms, R. Tyson Moore, K. Wilkinson, C. Cush, K. Bassos Hull, G. Lovewell, S. Rossman, D. Mann